Randomize Collection In magento
Randomize Collection In magento <?php $_model = Mage :: getModel ( 'catalog/category' ); // Using the "catalog/navigation" Block Classes, we can invoke the getStoreCategories() method to get all Store Cats. $storeId = Mage :: app () -> getStore () -> getId (); $_categories = Mage :: getModel ( 'catalog/category' ) -> getCollection () -> addAttributeToSelect ( '*' ) -> addIsActiveFilter () -> addLevelFilter ( 2 ) -> setStoreId ( $storeId ); $_categories -> getSelect () -> order ( new Zend_Db_Expr( 'RAND()' )); $new = "" ; $new2 = "" ; // We'll loop through the returned Category Object foreach ( $_categories as $_category ) { //this gives random order of products }