Get width height of image using Varien-image class in Magento
You can get width height of image using Varien_Image (lib/Varien/Image.php) class object. In this example, I assume that your image is present inside media directory of your magento installation. $imagePath = YOUR_IMAGE_PATH_LINK; // like // changing url link of image into directory link $dirImg = Mage::getBaseDir().str_replace("/",DS,strstr($imagePath,'/media')); // getting image width and height if (file_exists($dirImg)) { $imageObj = new Varien_Image($dirImg); $width = $imageObj->getOriginalWidth(); $height = $imageObj->getOriginalHeight(); echo $width." x ".$height; } else { echo "File doesn't exist."; } Resize Image <?php echo $this ->helper( 'catalog/image' )->init( $_product , 'image' ) ->constrainOnly(TRUE) ->keepAspectRatio(TRUE) ->keepFrame(FALSE) ->resize(600,null) ?> Fixed h...