By default Magento show price with two decimal points like Rs. 25.00 , if you want to change the precision of Price then In line 62 in /lib/zend/Currency.php you can change the precision for all prices in your shop. <?php protected $_options = array( 'position' => self::STANDARD, // position for the currency sign 'script' => null, // script for output 'format' => null, // locale for numeric output 'display' => self::NO_SYMBOL, // currency detail to show 'precision' => 0, // precision for currency 'name' => null, // name for this currency 'currency' => null, // 3 lettered international abbreviation 'symbol' => null // currency symbol ); and /app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Store.php Change the roundPrice function to: public function ro...